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Image by Diogo Nunes

Letter to Wes Allen, AL Secretary of State

Honorable Wes Allen, 

Please read the below email that I sent to Mr. Elrod concerning the possibility of electronic petitioning for ballot access. I am serving as Alabama State Lead for the Jill Stein 2024 campaign. The right to fair ballot access is very important to me. Not only do we have a right to vote, but we also have the right to vote effectively and for the candidate of our choice. As you may know Georgia lawmakers have passed SB-189 which will effect election rules in that state. Under the new law any political party or political body that has obtained ballot access in at least 20 states or territories does qualify for GA's presidential ballot. The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment applies here. It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated equally under the law. We are all voting in the same national election. Why should Georgians have easier access to more choices listed on their ballot? Because they live in a swing state and we don't? All that I ask is that we have a fighting chance to get Jill Stein on the ballot in AL. The below email to Mr. Elrod explains our request. Please consider your agency in this matter and advise me of possible next steps. Thank you for the service to our great state.


Amy Fahimi

Secretary, Green Party of Madison County and North Alabama

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