Green Party of Madison County and North AL Chapter Meeting
July 27, 2024
Goldsprint Coffee Shop
Peter Grotticelli, Amy Fahimi, LeaAnn Johnson, David Johnson, Joy Johnson, Richard Tucker
LeaAnn and David gave Amy a stack of petition pages for the Jill Stein campaign's ballot access initiative. Joy also has petition pages to hand in. Amy and Joy will go to the Green Street Market this Thursday to get more signatures.
We are still in the process of determining a date for Amy and Joy to go to Montgomery to drop of the petition pages to the Secretary of State. We will coordinate with the national campaign.
We want to reach out to other local groups such as Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). They had a previous meeting this morning at Goldsprint. Peter found us at the Peace Rally. Progressive groups need to show unity.
We discussed the need for both campaign and non-campaign events.
We continue to gather signatures for Jill Stein. Even though the campaign is close we still need many more since some signatures may be challenged. We are continuing to get several people contact our website to inquire about helping us. Deadline to mail them back to Amy is Aug. 11th. Amy will coordinate with Ani to get her signatures. Deadline to hand them in is Aug. 17th. They are due in the Secretary of State's office on Aug. 23.
Amy missed the deadline to register a booth at Madison Street Fair but we will still attend in order to promote Jill Stein. Amy will buy buttons to hand out. Joy, LeaAnn, and David have yard signs.
The Presidential Nominating and Meeting will be August 15-18. Joy will report about it. Amy is also attending.
We plan to have an election night party which will tentatively be planned at Amy's house.
Saturday Aug. 3rd we will host a board game event at Goldsprint at 2pm after Jason's DSA group that also meets there from 11-1. Hopefully, they will join us. Joy will also host a campfire at her house the same evening.
Amy will register us to have a booth at Pride Fest in the fall. If you hear about other events let us know.
We plan to have a trail clean up on Saturday August 31st at 2:00pm starting at the park next to the Bailey Cove Publix. We will clean up the Greenway from there. All community members are welcome not just GPMCNA members. We will promote it in our newsletter and website blog.
We will plan an end of the year event in Birmingham for an Alabama Green Party state meeting. We need ideas for that. We also need to talk about the state elections. Let Ani Baraka know which state position that you would like to run for. We need more people to run.
There is a French kid that contacted our website. He is working on a project for school about the relationship the U.S. has with fossil fuels. He wants to partner with us on this project.