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Image by Diogo Nunes

Green Party of Madison Co. Secretary Amy Fahimi Spoke Out Against the CHOOSE Act at the 2025 Madison Co. Legislative Public Forum


The forum had public speakers on a variety of important local and statewide topics. Watch the entire video of it posted above. Here is the content of my comments:  My name is Amy Fahimi of Owens Cross Roads. I'm here to advocate for the repeal of the CHOOSE Act which will use AL tax payer money to fund private school tuition. According to AL Arise HB 129 will divert $100 million every year from public schools. The law creates educational savings accounts for parents to pay for private schools or homeschooling. In 2025 and 2026 only families with incomes at or below 300% of the federal poverty line will be eligible. However, starting 2027 the accounts will be available to all parents no matter how wealthy. The $7,000 will go to families who can already afford private schools, but it will not be adequate funding for families who could not otherwise afford it. Alabama already ranks 42nd in the nation for per-student funding. Already underfunded public schools have fixed costs such as building maintenance which can't be reduced. They can't simply cut costs because they have fewer students. I also think it seems obvious that private schools will increase their tuition from once government funds are available. Private schools market themselves for their exclusivity. Private schools are also not subject to the same oversight as public schools. Private schools don't have to conform to admission or hiring policies which means they can deny admission to children with special needs and can hire uncertified teachers. Private school teachers are paid less than public school teachers, so this undervalues teachers. According to the Economic Policy Institute voucher programs like the Choose Act have resulted in sharp declines in public school spending in multiple states but have not improved educational outcomes- even for students in private schools. EPI concluded “the only reason for this policy thrust is ideology rooted in hostility to public education.”

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